Monday, November 15, 2010


There are many stories revolving Thakur where thakur says that HE is there in the PICTURE and looking after every one . There are also many stories where few devoties gets message from THAKUR through HIS HOLY picture .

Thakur always used to say that " AMI APNADER OI CHOBITEI ACHI " < I am always in the picture > . By saying this GURUDEV have showed us the way to do GURU SEVA always by taking proper care of the picture .
Let me take an exaple of a small story :

Once GURUDEV visited a bhaktas house in the afternoon . The Landlord of the house was at work at that time , only the female members were present . Th land lady was in seventh heven when she saw THAKUR entering the premises of the house . She arranged a bed for GURUDEV in the THAKUR GHOR < room used for puja > . GURUDEV went and sat on the bed . The land lady looked at THAKUR and asked thakur why HE is looking so pale and thin . Thakur looked at the small temple present inside the room and replied that the land lady was not taking proper care of him and his food , that is why HE has become pale and thin . The land lady was taken aback . She was feeling very ashamed aswell as had a question in her mind that how is it possible when GURUDEV doesn`t even stay with them .
GURUDEV realised that the question raised in the landladys mind and pointed towards the Thakur ghor < temple > . There was a picture of THAKUR and many other DEV DEVI ,
Some sweet was there on a small copper plate and a glass of water half filled . A group of ants were happily feeding on the Naivadya < food > provided on the copper plate in front of the picture of GURUDEV . The land lady finished doing puja early in the morning and through out the day the prasadam will stay there till evening before the sandhya arati .

Pointing this GURUDEV said " SHEVAR MOTON SHEVA KORTE PARLE KORBEN , NAHOLE KORBEN NAH " < if you are taking care of some one dont do it half heartedly > .
The land lady started crying and fell on GURUDEVs lotus feet . She realised her mistake and also realised that GURUDEV is very much present in the photo aswell . Having a photo at home is as good as having Thakur at home .

Moral of the story : No different between PHOTO and GURUDEV Himself .

There was a Lady who used to continiously speak to gurudev like we converse with our friends , parents, siblings etc . She considered Gurudev as her husband and used to take care of GURUDEV like nobody else . < please forgive me , canot remember the name > . There are others who gets messages through the picture as i have mentioned above and some from mear thin air .

There is another story where GURUDEV came to a lady`s house and gave her diksha .
After few months when she and her husband went to a renouned bhaktas place in patna where they were having an GURU-UTSAVA , they came to know that gurudev left HIS physical form 12 years back .

There are hundreds and thounds of other stories published , unpublished of GURUDEV showering HIS blessings .

GURUDEV always used to say : " EI SHORIR TAKE LOIYA TANATANI KOREN KANO , AMI TO OEE POTEI ACHI " . < No need to run beyond this physical body of mine , i am very much present in the picture itself > . So HE always has HIS eyes on us . I believe strongly that we can also experience that kind of relationship and bonding with GURUDEV if we get involved or drown in the HOLY SOMA RASA OF NAMA . We can also hear and see gurudev clearly if we submit ourselves completely at his HOLY LOTUS FEET .

Gurudev used to stay at HIS bhaktas house as a member of the house and used to take care of every small thing . GURUDEV can be considered as the head of the house like the same way we have our grand parents taking control of everything , because everthing that we have in this mundane world is provided by HIM like parents , kids , wife , money , fame , prosperity , house . We are just given an opourtunity to enjoy all this but we do not own any of this . Its HE who is the soul owner of everything that we have in our life . If we can keep this in mind and fulfill out duties then few of the ripus can be taken care of . We can also take care of GURUDEV`S picture the same way we take care of out parents . Then we can surely realise that slowly and steadily HE has become a member of the family and we can develop the same bondage we have with our parents . This will definitly help us in our future developments .....................................



  1. ya it is said that if we have bhakti or let me use word sradha or viswas than only he will take care of us and help to reach the state of paramjyan with his divine love.So many ppls are taking nam of our sadguru the point need to be remember is the fact that the nam is nothing but a mahamantra we can use it as medicine,the true friend even if we don't know anything we can use that name we will get all answer but condition is to take nam with complete surrender as the Rohini babu did.

  2. i came across your blog today. It was a very very commendable effort on your part to put the teachings of Sri Ramthakur so nicely. When problems seem to entangle my mind,the "vedabani" books serve like medicine to ease the troubled mind.

  3. Its my great pleasure that I am the bhakt of ram thakur.
