Saturday, May 7, 2011


This Akshaya Tritiya was a very special day for me . I have never enjoyed so much in Akshaya Tritiya . My aunt invited us to a house in balygunge place called Raam Nivas . She mentioned about this place to me before but i was unable to find out a right time to visit this place . This house called " RAAM NIVAS " is actually the house to Dr. J N Dasgupta who was a very dedicated shishya of our beloved Thakur . This house was built with the instructions given by Gurudev . I reached there at 12 pm when kirtana was going on in full swing . There is a huge vibration of GURUDEV still present in that house and it will remain forever . Gurudev has spent a lot of time in that house and has established many Gods and Goddesses in the house temple while staying there on the 1st floor . According to Gurudevs instruction the satyanarayan sinni < food offered to NARAYAN > which is used in Jadavpur Ashram every day during Satyanarayan puja in the evening would be made here in Raam Nivas first and then it would be taken to Jadavpur Asram and offered to LORD SATYANARAYAN for the sandhya satyanarayan pujan . Due to unavoidable circumstances this rule is not followed now instead the required money is provided from Raam Nivas to Jadavpur Ashram for the daily Satyanarayan Cinni . There are a lot of photos present in Raam Nivas of our beloved Gurudev and also a stone Idol of lord Kaivalyanath present in the main hall on 1st floor .

While talking to one of Gurdev`s shishya I came to know that there is a tree present in this house which was planted by gurudev and which is found only in Vrindavan .

The story goes like this :

Once Gurudev and Dr. J N Dasgupta went out for an evening walk and suddenly they saw a young boy coming towards them carrying some plants in a basket . Dr. babu wanted to take one plant but gurudev informed him to take a specific plant form that basket . So Dr. babu took out the plant and when he turned to pay the boy the amount for the plant but he found nobody was there .
This is the specific tree I was taking about previously which is found in Vrindavan only .
There is an emblem of Kaibalya Shakti present on top of the house exactly located on top of the room where Gurudev used to stay .
I would love to visit Raam Nivas once again if and only if Gurudev wants me to .

Jai Gurudev
Jai Raam


  1. Hello Mr. Sarbheshwar,

    I really enjoyed your blog. I am also a bhakto of Sri Guru Dev.

    I am from Kolkata.

    Can you please tell me the address of this house and its landmarks. I want to visit it too but I am not finding enough information about its location.

    Thank you.
    Please leave your message here and I will get it.

  2. it is in ballygaunge place near south point school. You may ask people from that locality abut the exact location of Ram Nivas. Please note that on special occasions only Ram Nivas is open for general public like Dol etc.

    Joy Guru
