Monday, November 15, 2010


If we see people around us we will find that there are so much of difference . One person is born in a filthy rich family born with a silver spoon in their mouth . Some people are in middle class family and some are from such a background that they don't even know their father`s or mother`s name or unable to get a proper square meal a day . Do we even think why does these things happen when some people have abundance of food and on the other hand some are fighting for a loaf of bread .

This happens because of Praraddha . Karmas from the previous births effect our present birth . Now the praraddha from previous births will come in picture in different ways . We might find some one who is very rich but he is alive only on half boiled food or shattered with different kind of diseases or we might find some one who is very poor but has no other problem like disease . Different disease that we suffer from are also because of the karmas of past birth . Laws of karma has its own ways of taking out interest form the karmas that we do . The bhog can be provided to us for any specific karma that we do may be in this birth or after 5 to 10 births depending on the correct time .

Now the purpose of starting this topic is to show how THAKUR is different from any other MAHAPURUSH . THAKUR unlike Jeasus Christ , SAI BABA etc etc ** have not taken out sufferings from the BHAKTAS life in the blink of an eye most of the time . HE preferred explaining them the real fact behind the sufferings . In GURUDEV`s Teachings it reflects the ways of the VDEDAS , SHASTRAS , PURANS ... GURUDEV indirectly showed the ways to follow the Sanantana Dharma so that we can learn to live our life in such a way so that we do not create much Karma Beeja . Gurudev always mentioned to tolerate or face the sufferings and not to keep a reflection of that sufferings in out mind . Not to crib about our sufferings and think about it much . If its happening let it pass by . Just remember the HOLY NAME of GURUDEV and face it . HE insisted more on creating a lion out of us mentally . HE mentioned times and after that if we have full faith and devotion on Gurudev no suffering will be a sufferings any more . It will be like a passing by moment or time .

Because when we are in the state of complete devotion and complete surrender we will be leading life on this planet but out mind and thought will always be there at HIS HOLY FEET . Rest will be taken care by HIM .

So we need to be careful about the karmas that we do or we are doing so that we do not create any beeja which will bring us sufferings later on . Following the ways of SANATANA is the only way we can do so .. DHARMA RAKSHA is the only way that will provide us peace and pure out body heart and mind . < soul is always pure > .

Blindly follow the ways of GURUDEV . Having blind faith on HIM will take us to that state of mind and will also open ways . GURUDEV had differnt sadhak shishayas from differnt branches of sadhana apart from grihastya shishyas . Everyone of them had different methods of sadhana but one common thing , that is GURUDEV . This shows us that HE is not restricted to any specific marg < ways of sadhana > like Vaishnava , Shaktya , Shaiva , Ganpataye , Brahma Sadhaka . He is sadhana HIMSELF . HE is the PATH , HE is THE DESTINATION . HE is SAGUNA , HE is NIRGUNA . It not possible to understand what GURUDEV is and its foolish to count the drops of water in an ocean as HE is the OCEAN HIMSELF .

Just concentrate to take a dip in that HOLY OCEAN and be one with it .
Be one with the holy name as there is no difference between the holy name and Gurudev .


**Just an example to point out the difference . Did not mean to show any kind of disrespect to the MAHATMAS .

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