Monday, September 29, 2014

Durga Puja 2014

Dear Guru Bhais & Bhaginis, May this Durga Puja bring lots of happiness and prosperity in your life. May MA DURGA bless us all and help us to control our Ripus well. Let us be under the influence of MAHA NAAM all the time. Let us put all our thoughts and worries at the lotus feet of GURU DEV and drown in the MAHA NAAM. JAY GURUDEV. JAY RAAM.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Maha Shiv Ratri

Shubha MAHA SHIV RATRI to all the bhakts and Ashritas of Sri SRI RAAM THAKUR .

Jai Bhole Nath
Jai Guru Dev

Saturday, May 7, 2011


This Akshaya Tritiya was a very special day for me . I have never enjoyed so much in Akshaya Tritiya . My aunt invited us to a house in balygunge place called Raam Nivas . She mentioned about this place to me before but i was unable to find out a right time to visit this place . This house called " RAAM NIVAS " is actually the house to Dr. J N Dasgupta who was a very dedicated shishya of our beloved Thakur . This house was built with the instructions given by Gurudev . I reached there at 12 pm when kirtana was going on in full swing . There is a huge vibration of GURUDEV still present in that house and it will remain forever . Gurudev has spent a lot of time in that house and has established many Gods and Goddesses in the house temple while staying there on the 1st floor . According to Gurudevs instruction the satyanarayan sinni < food offered to NARAYAN > which is used in Jadavpur Ashram every day during Satyanarayan puja in the evening would be made here in Raam Nivas first and then it would be taken to Jadavpur Asram and offered to LORD SATYANARAYAN for the sandhya satyanarayan pujan . Due to unavoidable circumstances this rule is not followed now instead the required money is provided from Raam Nivas to Jadavpur Ashram for the daily Satyanarayan Cinni . There are a lot of photos present in Raam Nivas of our beloved Gurudev and also a stone Idol of lord Kaivalyanath present in the main hall on 1st floor .

While talking to one of Gurdev`s shishya I came to know that there is a tree present in this house which was planted by gurudev and which is found only in Vrindavan .

The story goes like this :

Once Gurudev and Dr. J N Dasgupta went out for an evening walk and suddenly they saw a young boy coming towards them carrying some plants in a basket . Dr. babu wanted to take one plant but gurudev informed him to take a specific plant form that basket . So Dr. babu took out the plant and when he turned to pay the boy the amount for the plant but he found nobody was there .
This is the specific tree I was taking about previously which is found in Vrindavan only .
There is an emblem of Kaibalya Shakti present on top of the house exactly located on top of the room where Gurudev used to stay .
I would love to visit Raam Nivas once again if and only if Gurudev wants me to .

Jai Gurudev
Jai Raam

Monday, November 15, 2010


There are many stories revolving Thakur where thakur says that HE is there in the PICTURE and looking after every one . There are also many stories where few devoties gets message from THAKUR through HIS HOLY picture .

Thakur always used to say that " AMI APNADER OI CHOBITEI ACHI " < I am always in the picture > . By saying this GURUDEV have showed us the way to do GURU SEVA always by taking proper care of the picture .
Let me take an exaple of a small story :

Once GURUDEV visited a bhaktas house in the afternoon . The Landlord of the house was at work at that time , only the female members were present . Th land lady was in seventh heven when she saw THAKUR entering the premises of the house . She arranged a bed for GURUDEV in the THAKUR GHOR < room used for puja > . GURUDEV went and sat on the bed . The land lady looked at THAKUR and asked thakur why HE is looking so pale and thin . Thakur looked at the small temple present inside the room and replied that the land lady was not taking proper care of him and his food , that is why HE has become pale and thin . The land lady was taken aback . She was feeling very ashamed aswell as had a question in her mind that how is it possible when GURUDEV doesn`t even stay with them .
GURUDEV realised that the question raised in the landladys mind and pointed towards the Thakur ghor < temple > . There was a picture of THAKUR and many other DEV DEVI ,
Some sweet was there on a small copper plate and a glass of water half filled . A group of ants were happily feeding on the Naivadya < food > provided on the copper plate in front of the picture of GURUDEV . The land lady finished doing puja early in the morning and through out the day the prasadam will stay there till evening before the sandhya arati .

Pointing this GURUDEV said " SHEVAR MOTON SHEVA KORTE PARLE KORBEN , NAHOLE KORBEN NAH " < if you are taking care of some one dont do it half heartedly > .
The land lady started crying and fell on GURUDEVs lotus feet . She realised her mistake and also realised that GURUDEV is very much present in the photo aswell . Having a photo at home is as good as having Thakur at home .

Moral of the story : No different between PHOTO and GURUDEV Himself .

There was a Lady who used to continiously speak to gurudev like we converse with our friends , parents, siblings etc . She considered Gurudev as her husband and used to take care of GURUDEV like nobody else . < please forgive me , canot remember the name > . There are others who gets messages through the picture as i have mentioned above and some from mear thin air .

There is another story where GURUDEV came to a lady`s house and gave her diksha .
After few months when she and her husband went to a renouned bhaktas place in patna where they were having an GURU-UTSAVA , they came to know that gurudev left HIS physical form 12 years back .

There are hundreds and thounds of other stories published , unpublished of GURUDEV showering HIS blessings .

GURUDEV always used to say : " EI SHORIR TAKE LOIYA TANATANI KOREN KANO , AMI TO OEE POTEI ACHI " . < No need to run beyond this physical body of mine , i am very much present in the picture itself > . So HE always has HIS eyes on us . I believe strongly that we can also experience that kind of relationship and bonding with GURUDEV if we get involved or drown in the HOLY SOMA RASA OF NAMA . We can also hear and see gurudev clearly if we submit ourselves completely at his HOLY LOTUS FEET .

Gurudev used to stay at HIS bhaktas house as a member of the house and used to take care of every small thing . GURUDEV can be considered as the head of the house like the same way we have our grand parents taking control of everything , because everthing that we have in this mundane world is provided by HIM like parents , kids , wife , money , fame , prosperity , house . We are just given an opourtunity to enjoy all this but we do not own any of this . Its HE who is the soul owner of everything that we have in our life . If we can keep this in mind and fulfill out duties then few of the ripus can be taken care of . We can also take care of GURUDEV`S picture the same way we take care of out parents . Then we can surely realise that slowly and steadily HE has become a member of the family and we can develop the same bondage we have with our parents . This will definitly help us in our future developments .....................................



If we see people around us we will find that there are so much of difference . One person is born in a filthy rich family born with a silver spoon in their mouth . Some people are in middle class family and some are from such a background that they don't even know their father`s or mother`s name or unable to get a proper square meal a day . Do we even think why does these things happen when some people have abundance of food and on the other hand some are fighting for a loaf of bread .

This happens because of Praraddha . Karmas from the previous births effect our present birth . Now the praraddha from previous births will come in picture in different ways . We might find some one who is very rich but he is alive only on half boiled food or shattered with different kind of diseases or we might find some one who is very poor but has no other problem like disease . Different disease that we suffer from are also because of the karmas of past birth . Laws of karma has its own ways of taking out interest form the karmas that we do . The bhog can be provided to us for any specific karma that we do may be in this birth or after 5 to 10 births depending on the correct time .

Now the purpose of starting this topic is to show how THAKUR is different from any other MAHAPURUSH . THAKUR unlike Jeasus Christ , SAI BABA etc etc ** have not taken out sufferings from the BHAKTAS life in the blink of an eye most of the time . HE preferred explaining them the real fact behind the sufferings . In GURUDEV`s Teachings it reflects the ways of the VDEDAS , SHASTRAS , PURANS ... GURUDEV indirectly showed the ways to follow the Sanantana Dharma so that we can learn to live our life in such a way so that we do not create much Karma Beeja . Gurudev always mentioned to tolerate or face the sufferings and not to keep a reflection of that sufferings in out mind . Not to crib about our sufferings and think about it much . If its happening let it pass by . Just remember the HOLY NAME of GURUDEV and face it . HE insisted more on creating a lion out of us mentally . HE mentioned times and after that if we have full faith and devotion on Gurudev no suffering will be a sufferings any more . It will be like a passing by moment or time .

Because when we are in the state of complete devotion and complete surrender we will be leading life on this planet but out mind and thought will always be there at HIS HOLY FEET . Rest will be taken care by HIM .

So we need to be careful about the karmas that we do or we are doing so that we do not create any beeja which will bring us sufferings later on . Following the ways of SANATANA is the only way we can do so .. DHARMA RAKSHA is the only way that will provide us peace and pure out body heart and mind . < soul is always pure > .

Blindly follow the ways of GURUDEV . Having blind faith on HIM will take us to that state of mind and will also open ways . GURUDEV had differnt sadhak shishayas from differnt branches of sadhana apart from grihastya shishyas . Everyone of them had different methods of sadhana but one common thing , that is GURUDEV . This shows us that HE is not restricted to any specific marg < ways of sadhana > like Vaishnava , Shaktya , Shaiva , Ganpataye , Brahma Sadhaka . He is sadhana HIMSELF . HE is the PATH , HE is THE DESTINATION . HE is SAGUNA , HE is NIRGUNA . It not possible to understand what GURUDEV is and its foolish to count the drops of water in an ocean as HE is the OCEAN HIMSELF .

Just concentrate to take a dip in that HOLY OCEAN and be one with it .
Be one with the holy name as there is no difference between the holy name and Gurudev .


**Just an example to point out the difference . Did not mean to show any kind of disrespect to the MAHATMAS .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sanatana Dharma

SANATANA DHARMA the oldest and the greatest Relegion in the entire universe . I am not stating this only because I am a hindu by birth but because of its Own Greatness . The main principle of sanatana dharma is all human beings will act according to dharma < dharmacharana > without going against the law of nature so that no karma beej is produced and no body will stay hungry .

Now a days every where we see we can experience that by some way or other we are actually breaking the laws of nature and we are actually apart of this , directly or indirectly .

Polluting the Vayu and Akash tatwa : < air and atmosphere >
Polluting the Jal tatwa : < water >
Polluting the prithibi tatwa : < earth >

We cannot just fiddle with the tatwas and get away with it ..
Mother nature will balance it out and she has her own ways like natural disasters .
Everything will be balanced and we will be solely responsible for our own destruction if we do not try to change hence forth . We humans are provided this earth to survive and enjoy nature ..instead of that because of greed we are actually harassing the wonders of nature provided to us .

Still its not late .. we still can save our selves < nature > by following Sanatan Dharma . Its impossible to start following all the rules of life from tomorrow but at least we can take an effort to do so .
Our beloved Gurudev Sree Sree RAAM THAKUR always insisted on following teh rules and laws of Sati or Sanatana dharma . He tried teaching the ways using small stories . Gurudev himself is the biggest example of living and walking Dharma . The messages of VED VANI are nothing but ways you can lead you life for dharma . Dharma raksha is a word of great importance ...may be not for so called technological and fashionable advanced modern society . To understand this word we actually need to go deep into dharma just to understand the way of life according to Sharstra and Vedas . Dharmacharan if done properly will not create Karma Beeja for any karma we do . If Karma Beeja is not produced we will not fall in the cycle of death and birth and suffer .

Manu Smriti considered as the Ultimate Law Book has all the instructions on how to lead life according to dharma explaining what needs to done from the moment we wake up till we go to sleep . Following it is not easy for us all of a sudden but we can definitely try and include few ways in our daily routine . Doing dharma chara will directly bring us under the direct blessing s of favour or GOD and GURU .

I have read some books written by our beloved gurubhais which has some information about Gurudevs stress on Stanatana or Sati dharma but not much information was provided in any of the books .

These things or understanding will develop slowly as we get more and more attached to Lord Satyanarayan himself . He is standing with his arms wide to embrace us and release us from this suffering but still we run away from it or cannot see it .
Let us all repeat the holy Mahamantra provided to us and do your karma is an honest way and try to know you dharma more . I am sure if we really want to know or follow SANATANA DHARMA Lord Satyanarayan will definitly show us the direction or arrange a way .

Lets us all pray to the GURUDEV to remove this curtain and show us light ............
Let us pray so that we can respect mother nature < Prakriti >
Prakriti itself is mother Adya Shakti .
Let there be light of knowledge .

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishan Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama , Rama Rama Hare Hare ..........

Om Shree Raam Chandraayate Namaha .
Om Shree SatyaNarayanay Namaha .
OM Shree Raam Brahmany Namaha .

Monday, June 21, 2010


Different avatars of GOD takes birth on earth and they have different ways of bringing people on the right track that leads to GOD .
Our beloved Gurudev had his own ways . His main purpose was to stay among general people and teach them or show them the the ways in which God can be realized .
But what many people missed out was that God was showing them the way to realize HIM . HE showed us many simple ways to be happy in this Kaliyuga by maintaining few simple things which our complicated and corrupted mind didn`t allow out eyes to see .
Gurudev preferred to roam from one bhakts house to another rather then sitting in an ashram . Indirectly GURUDEV said " Look at ME and learn the ways , you do not need to read any book " .
Those who understood and followed the steps have achieved things beyond imagination .
These things are much more valuable then any worldly possessions .
We run around for money , property ,fame through out our life not realizing the fact that actually nothing is ours . We can not actually take anything beyond this life . Our foolish mind doesn`t realize that life has a greater meaning then running behind success , money , fame . The time should be used properly to realize GOD . We do all other works in the beginning and the middle of our life span and when we realize that time is comming up we start taking GOD`S name in the end that is also with a purpose in mind to make a reservation in heaven or to get out of the cycle of birth and death .
Why do we keep the most important and hardest work of taking gods name for the latter part of life , when our bones doesnt have enough strength to visit the TIRTHA STHANS ?
In BHAGAVATHAM its mentioned clearly that vasna for any other thing other then MOKSHA is not good .

So please utter the Maha Naama and free your soul from attachments .
We just blindly need to follow the steps and utter the name and the rest of the work will be taken care by the LORD himself .