Saturday, October 31, 2009


Gurudev was equally famous and respected by His muslim followers . He initiated different people with different kind of mantras like shakti mantra , krishna mantra and also in arbi mantras . Among His muslim followers CHARAG ALI BHI was the most famous of dingamanik . He was basically a cloth maker before he was initiated by GURUDEV and after his initiation Gurudev instructed him to leave his job and make a BEDI ( seat / asan ) for himself and help people with his healing power which was passed on to him by Gurudev .

Many other muslim followers are there who were initiated by gurudev. They attend the kirtan regularly and take part in the Satyanarayan puja which takes place every evening at dingamakik GURUDHAM . Once my father visited Dingamanik Gurudham during Gurudev Janmautsav . He told me that thousands of people visit gurdham during the utsav and all the milk for the sirni and prasad comes from muslim milkmen . Almost all the muslims of dingamanik carry a locket with Gurudevs picture on their neck and affectionately call him RAAM BHAI . My father was taken aback when he experienced that all the barriers of religion was broken when the asta prahar kirtan started . He saw that all the muslim and the hindu gurubhai and bhoginies were taking part in the kirtan together and were crying out of sheer devotion saying " HAI RAAM HAI RAAM " . This is what my Gurudev wanted , to go beyond the conventional barriers of religion and emerge as one HUMAN RELIGION .........

jai raam
jai guru

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