Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Emblem

This picture was drawn by Bhagwan Sri Sri Ram Thakur. Through this very emblem Thakur articulated the truth that all the religions would, in course of time, converge into just one community i.e. human community that would only survive. Bhagwan Sri Ram Thakur who was himself Sri Sri Satyanarayana, had the rare greatness to honour all the religious communities.

The biggest circle in the picture denotes Brahmanda (the Universe), while the middle one, Buddhachakra, represents Buddhism and the smallest or the innermost one, Guru Nanakchakra, indicates Sikhism.

The straight line with Garuda, representing the place of the devotee, on its top criss-crossing these three circles north-south is Brahmadanda and the line running east-west through the middle of it symbolizes the Flute of Sri Bhagwan.The crossing of these two lines depicts the Holy Cross, the symbol of Christianity. The line with Trishul (trident) of Devadideva (God of Gods) Mahadeva reflects Shaiva and Shakta faiths. And, the remaining line with spud (khunti) and the crescent at its two ends replicates the symbols of Ramayet community and Islam respectively.

Once, a disciple asked Bhagwan Sri Ramthakur, "Baba, which community do we belong to?" Thakur replied, "Human community."

Today, we are living in the era of globalization. But, much before it Sri Sri Ram Thakur, the embodiment of eternal kindness, had come down in the guise of the most ordinary man among us, among the common people, to preach the value of love and affection.

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