Friday, October 30, 2009

Kripa Shindhu Shree Shree Thakur

First let me explain the title of my blog . Kripa as we all know is mercy and shundhu is ocean . The person I am talking about here is SRI SRI RAAM THAKUR my beloved gurudev . A vast ocean would also fall short in comparison to His divinity . He is the epitome of love and grace , also popularly known as DAYAR THAKUR or PREMER THAKUR .

HE is one of the few SADGURU`S who had shown us the simple path towards liberation {moksha}
. Human beings of east and west bengal and most of the parts of India were blessed by His divine presence from the period of 1860 to 1949 . 1 st of MAY in 1949 he left His physical form on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya . Gurudev was also born on akshaya tritiya and got initiated by Dada Gurudev SHRI ANNANG DEV on akshaya tritiya . So this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya holds much importance to us . May be not in physical form but HE guides us in different ways and always have an eye on us making his presence felt all the time .

My mother took me to Jadavpur gurudham on my 15th birthday to take diksha from MAHANT
Shri Bhabatosh Bandopadhya . I hardly used to do the MAHANAM which I received that day . I never understood who He was and the mahatya of MAHANAM . I always used to abuse him and say to my mother " what can this old man of urs do good to me " .I never took him as my gurudev as I was looking for some one who could initiate me into shakti sadhana . Its sheer ignorance or rather maya that made me speak those words that day about the person whom I love the most . All my senses were covered with the blanket of dark ignorance and could not see Him with my physical eyes , could not sense his presence near me , could not hear Him calling me . But slowly with the divine grace of gurudev I realized what HE is to me and what part He plays in my life , which is nothing with out him today .

Now i feel that every breath of mine , every act of mine , everything I do is in association with my divine gurudev , everything is just an act of being one wid HIM, LORD SATYANARAYAN Himself............


  1. You are on the right track.
    jai Gopal jai Govinda jai Ram

  2. "But slowly with the divine grace of gurudev I realized what HE is to me and what part He plays in my life , which is nothing with out him today " -HOw It is ? Can you explain

  3. My brother , Its really hard to explain in words . But what i can say is from Micro level to Macro level I do feel His presence and existence . Its not that i hear His voice or see Him around me all the time but its an inexplicable feeling , I get my answers , direction when required ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Jai raam
    Jai guru

  4. I try to catch him.. to listen him.. but don't get anything even when need a direction .. Why it is not same for me u

  5. I am actually not in a position to tell you why it happens but you will definitely .. just keep faith and dharya < most imp > ....................

    jai raam
    jai guru
