Friday, October 30, 2009


My beloved gurudev Sri Sri Raam Thakur is the true human form of Lord SATYANARAYAN . He himself is above all tantra and mantra yantra . HE is Lord SREE HARI in human form to rescue human beings from the sufferings of the vicious cycle of life and death . He came among us to lead us to the path of Maha Nirvana , to attain kavalya prapti .

Kaivalya prapti means to get out of this cycle of life and death and to become one with the lord himself as it is written in Bhagavat geeta that all the livings beings are parts of Bhagavan MAHA VISHNIU .

SRI Gurudev had numerous number of shishya in shamsara as well as sanyasis . Keeping in mind about the samsarik shishyas he showed us simple and easy ways to attain what we actually seek for .. MOKSHA .. or kaivalya prapti .... HE gave us the MAHA NAAM which is above any purashcharan .. its a siddh NAAM which is to repeated all the time . No specific ritual is attached to it . It can be repeated any time any where .

Gurudev used to say " naam korte korte dham kuily jay " means by repeating the divine
Mahanama or name of GOD the road to salvation or moksha will autoamtically open .

Gurudev is also known as KAIVALYANATH ... the provider of kalivalya prapti or moksha .
Kaivalya is a state of being one with the divine GOD .
In India it is said that people want to leave their last breath in the holy land of BENARAS . It is believed that if a person dies in benaras he attains Moksha or liberation . When a person dies in benaras and his body is burnt in the holy cremation ground of manikarnika which is considered to be a maha shamshana or great cremation ground beside the ganges , his soul is ripped out from the layers of maya by goddess KALI herself and lord SHIVA infuses it with the Mahamantra and liberates it .
This mahanama with which LORD SHIVA infuses the soul is provided by our beloved Gurudev to us .
His simple instruction was after the days work what ever time you have do Hari naam or maha naam . It will provide you peace and slowly develop you for a state of unattachment .

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