Saturday, October 31, 2009


Gurudev was equally famous and respected by His muslim followers . He initiated different people with different kind of mantras like shakti mantra , krishna mantra and also in arbi mantras . Among His muslim followers CHARAG ALI BHI was the most famous of dingamanik . He was basically a cloth maker before he was initiated by GURUDEV and after his initiation Gurudev instructed him to leave his job and make a BEDI ( seat / asan ) for himself and help people with his healing power which was passed on to him by Gurudev .

Many other muslim followers are there who were initiated by gurudev. They attend the kirtan regularly and take part in the Satyanarayan puja which takes place every evening at dingamakik GURUDHAM . Once my father visited Dingamanik Gurudham during Gurudev Janmautsav . He told me that thousands of people visit gurdham during the utsav and all the milk for the sirni and prasad comes from muslim milkmen . Almost all the muslims of dingamanik carry a locket with Gurudevs picture on their neck and affectionately call him RAAM BHAI . My father was taken aback when he experienced that all the barriers of religion was broken when the asta prahar kirtan started . He saw that all the muslim and the hindu gurubhai and bhoginies were taking part in the kirtan together and were crying out of sheer devotion saying " HAI RAAM HAI RAAM " . This is what my Gurudev wanted , to go beyond the conventional barriers of religion and emerge as one HUMAN RELIGION .........

jai raam
jai guru

The Emblem

This picture was drawn by Bhagwan Sri Sri Ram Thakur. Through this very emblem Thakur articulated the truth that all the religions would, in course of time, converge into just one community i.e. human community that would only survive. Bhagwan Sri Ram Thakur who was himself Sri Sri Satyanarayana, had the rare greatness to honour all the religious communities.

The biggest circle in the picture denotes Brahmanda (the Universe), while the middle one, Buddhachakra, represents Buddhism and the smallest or the innermost one, Guru Nanakchakra, indicates Sikhism.

The straight line with Garuda, representing the place of the devotee, on its top criss-crossing these three circles north-south is Brahmadanda and the line running east-west through the middle of it symbolizes the Flute of Sri Bhagwan.The crossing of these two lines depicts the Holy Cross, the symbol of Christianity. The line with Trishul (trident) of Devadideva (God of Gods) Mahadeva reflects Shaiva and Shakta faiths. And, the remaining line with spud (khunti) and the crescent at its two ends replicates the symbols of Ramayet community and Islam respectively.

Once, a disciple asked Bhagwan Sri Ramthakur, "Baba, which community do we belong to?" Thakur replied, "Human community."

Today, we are living in the era of globalization. But, much before it Sri Sri Ram Thakur, the embodiment of eternal kindness, had come down in the guise of the most ordinary man among us, among the common people, to preach the value of love and affection.

Friday, October 30, 2009


shiv shakti ath shakti shamannita
brahma vishnu

sri sri chandi

shivang bhashkaramagnincha
keshavang kaushikintatha //

panchanama sharanityang
shadya patak nashanamah //

ja chadi madhu kaitavadi daityadalini
ma mahishunmulini

ja dhumrakkhata chanda munda mathini
ja rakta beeja shani //

shakti shumbha nishumbha daityadalini
ja shiddhi labhapara//

sha devi navakouti murti sahita
mang patu vishweshwari //

shulenu pahinu devi /
pahi khargenu chambike //

ghanta swanena pahi
chaparja nishwanena cha //

prachyang rakkha pratichanchya
chandike rakkha dakkhine //

bhramayang atma shulashya
uttarashayang tatheshwari //

shumyani jani rupani
trailakye vicharanti te //

tani chathartha ghorani
tai rakshmang statha bhubam//

kharaga shul gadadini
jani castrani chambike //

karapallava shangini
tai rakshang mang rakkha sarvata //

sarva swaroope sarveshe
sarva shakti samannaye //

bhayao bhoo srahinu devi
durga devi namahstute //

jaya twang devi chamunde jayabhutapaharini
jaya sarvagate devi kaal ratri namahstute //

jayanti mangala kali bhadra kali kapalini
durga shiva kshama dhatri swaha swada namastute //

sarva manga mangalye shive sarvartha shadhike
sharanye trambake devi narayani namastute //


om namaha sri raam chandraya mridu madhur bhashine
shaumo shantabataraya tasmai sri gurave namaha //

shangsharavikramrudha patanti narkarnabe
jenadhritamidang bishmang tasmai shree gurave namaha //

gurur brahma gurur vishnu guudevo maheshwara
gurureva param bramha tasmai sri gurave namaha //

agyanatimirindhsya gnyanajala salakaya
chakshurur unmilitang jena tasmai sri gurave namaha //

akhandamandalakarang vyaptang jena characharam
tadpadang darshitang jena tasmai sri gurave namaha //

sthavarang jangamang vyaptang jath kinch shacharacharam
tadpadang darshitang jena tasmai sri gurave namaha //

chinmayang vyapitang sarvang trailokyang shacharacharam
tadpadang darshitang jena tasmai sri gurave namaha //

sarvashruti shirotarna birajito padambujam
vedantambu jashurjaya tasmai sri gurave namaha //

chaitanyang shashwatang shantang byamatitang niranjanam
bindunad kalatinag tasmai sri gurave namaha //

gyana shakti samaduda tatma mala bibhushitam
bhakti mukti pradatarang tasmai sri gurave namaha //

anek janmasangprapta karmabandha bidahine
athmagnyan pradanena tasmai sri gurave namaha //

shoshanang bhaba shindhoshcho gnyapanang sarsampadam
guruh padodokang shamyak tasmai sri gurave namaha //

na guroradhikang tatyang na guroradhikang tapang
tatmagnyanath parang nasthi tasmai sri gurave namaha //

mannath sri jagannath mad guru sri jagath guru
madathma sarva bhutatma tasmai sri gurave namaha //

guru radirnadischa guruh param daibatam
guroh paratarang nasti tasmai sri gurave namaha //

dhyana mulang guror murti puja mulong guroh padam
mantra mulang gururvakyang mokhamulang guruh kripa //

" om tath shath om "

" om sri sri kaivalyanathay "

kaivalyang shashwatang shantang
bhakti shakti paratmikah //
prem pijush purnay
shatyarupang namo namaha//
om namo bramanya devay
namaste bramhatejashe /
om shatyang parnag dhimahi
om tath sath om //


My beloved gurudev Sri Sri Raam Thakur is the true human form of Lord SATYANARAYAN . He himself is above all tantra and mantra yantra . HE is Lord SREE HARI in human form to rescue human beings from the sufferings of the vicious cycle of life and death . He came among us to lead us to the path of Maha Nirvana , to attain kavalya prapti .

Kaivalya prapti means to get out of this cycle of life and death and to become one with the lord himself as it is written in Bhagavat geeta that all the livings beings are parts of Bhagavan MAHA VISHNIU .

SRI Gurudev had numerous number of shishya in shamsara as well as sanyasis . Keeping in mind about the samsarik shishyas he showed us simple and easy ways to attain what we actually seek for .. MOKSHA .. or kaivalya prapti .... HE gave us the MAHA NAAM which is above any purashcharan .. its a siddh NAAM which is to repeated all the time . No specific ritual is attached to it . It can be repeated any time any where .

Gurudev used to say " naam korte korte dham kuily jay " means by repeating the divine
Mahanama or name of GOD the road to salvation or moksha will autoamtically open .

Gurudev is also known as KAIVALYANATH ... the provider of kalivalya prapti or moksha .
Kaivalya is a state of being one with the divine GOD .
In India it is said that people want to leave their last breath in the holy land of BENARAS . It is believed that if a person dies in benaras he attains Moksha or liberation . When a person dies in benaras and his body is burnt in the holy cremation ground of manikarnika which is considered to be a maha shamshana or great cremation ground beside the ganges , his soul is ripped out from the layers of maya by goddess KALI herself and lord SHIVA infuses it with the Mahamantra and liberates it .
This mahanama with which LORD SHIVA infuses the soul is provided by our beloved Gurudev to us .
His simple instruction was after the days work what ever time you have do Hari naam or maha naam . It will provide you peace and slowly develop you for a state of unattachment .

Kripa Shindhu Shree Shree Thakur

First let me explain the title of my blog . Kripa as we all know is mercy and shundhu is ocean . The person I am talking about here is SRI SRI RAAM THAKUR my beloved gurudev . A vast ocean would also fall short in comparison to His divinity . He is the epitome of love and grace , also popularly known as DAYAR THAKUR or PREMER THAKUR .

HE is one of the few SADGURU`S who had shown us the simple path towards liberation {moksha}
. Human beings of east and west bengal and most of the parts of India were blessed by His divine presence from the period of 1860 to 1949 . 1 st of MAY in 1949 he left His physical form on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya . Gurudev was also born on akshaya tritiya and got initiated by Dada Gurudev SHRI ANNANG DEV on akshaya tritiya . So this auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya holds much importance to us . May be not in physical form but HE guides us in different ways and always have an eye on us making his presence felt all the time .

My mother took me to Jadavpur gurudham on my 15th birthday to take diksha from MAHANT
Shri Bhabatosh Bandopadhya . I hardly used to do the MAHANAM which I received that day . I never understood who He was and the mahatya of MAHANAM . I always used to abuse him and say to my mother " what can this old man of urs do good to me " .I never took him as my gurudev as I was looking for some one who could initiate me into shakti sadhana . Its sheer ignorance or rather maya that made me speak those words that day about the person whom I love the most . All my senses were covered with the blanket of dark ignorance and could not see Him with my physical eyes , could not sense his presence near me , could not hear Him calling me . But slowly with the divine grace of gurudev I realized what HE is to me and what part He plays in my life , which is nothing with out him today .

Now i feel that every breath of mine , every act of mine , everything I do is in association with my divine gurudev , everything is just an act of being one wid HIM, LORD SATYANARAYAN Himself............