Saturday, December 26, 2009


Believe in Karma ,not in destiny .... karma creates your destiny

Nothing is impossible, If u command your mind then every thing is possible and vice versa ..

The weak mind is at the root of all Suffering...

Patience isn't virtue if we sit back and wait for our problems to solve itself. Time for patience is when we have tired every avenue possible and planted seeds of solutions....

O Rama ! Let me be free from the worldly bondage and let me realize the ultimate truth. I don't know about any real bliss, help me not be involved with anything else but to attain the real bliss. Oh Rama ! Guide me as to what I should do ???

When people hurt you, think of then as sandpapers. They rub and scratch you painfully: eventually you end up smooth and polished: and they end up worn out.
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is your karma.

The fact is, only a few are ready to pay the price for self-unfoldment. To realize God, the entire mind is to be given to him. The mind cannot be divided into different compartments. We cannot give some part of the mind to the enjoyment of worldly things and the rest to God. No, God wants to occupy the throne alone. He is in the sense a very jealous God. Therefore, if we want to realize Him, we must give our whole mind to Him

" Being true to yourself often involves hearing that one voice within you, even if others cannot hear it or agree to it, all it demands is all your courage."

" Even sages like Vishvamitra and Parashara; who lead a life of extreme austerity merely by breathing Air or drinking Water ans eating Dry Leaves could not resist their lust for beautiful things and were deluded. It shall be great wonder and rather an impossibility if people surrounded by all types of foods and luxuries can control their sensual cravings. "

" Nothing in the world is ours, We are just trustees of the wealth which belongs to the Divine. Let use it put wisely. "

If we do not use Today better than Yesterday then why do we need Tomorrow for ? One day our entire life will flash in front of our eyes..... so we have to make sure it's worth watching.

One who doesn't attend his duty for Dharma and chants Ram Ram only is foolish and Drohi because lord Rama took birth to estblish Sanantan Dharma and he is giving guideline to us about Nishkam Karma.
Now this is the time to analyze ourselves for our Dutys and what we are doing for Dharma. Open your inner sight ans see yourself whether Rama likes worshiping him or following Dharma ??????

Do not lose the joy of what you already have, by desiring what you dont have. Face is that what you have now is also one of those many tings, you once desired.

If you oblige or help somebody do not expect anything in return; even a word.
How ever if; someone obliges you, even a small favor, be always grateful to him.
Then only it would be service to God.

The way a wife's faults ans vices are owned by her husband, likewise,
a disciple's collected sins are certainly acquired by the Guru......

He is the only wise person who; never speck's what ever he decides .....

Forgive what you can. Stove away what you can't. Use happy memories as a source of strength. Look for all the pebbles of happiness you can find. There isalways sunshine after the rain;
just have faith in HIM...........

Silence and Smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems ans Silence is the way to avoid many problems. So have a Silent Smile always........

The mind, it has been said, is the cause of one's bondage or liberation, Bad thoughts beget bondage. Good thoughts leas to liberation .......

No one has won a game of CHESS by taking only forward moves.
Sometimes we have to move backward to get a better step forward........

Positive pictures are made by developing negatives in dark room.
When things look dark do not worry...... God is developing your negatives to a colorful picture........

The SADHAKA should have absolutely no DESIRE earthly or heavenly in his mind. When offered a boon, PRAHLHDA thankfully declined, saying that he who asks for anything in lieu of his SADHANA or BHAKTI is verily not a SADHAKA but a businessman, a VANIK. But when the Lord still persisted , PRAHLADA said, " I pray you to destroy my desire for asking, there be any. This is the only boon I ask of you. "

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