Monday, November 2, 2009

A THOUGHT..........

I am just a normal person who is trying to quench
his spiritual thrust. My main motive behind
starting this blog is to aware more people about
our Great gurudev Shri Ramthakur and to reach out
to more people who is unaware of the stotras and
other stuffs given by Gurudev to other gurubhai
and bhaginies , so that they can chant them and be
benefited . In this world where ever I see I find
people unhappy , sad , cribbing , searching for
peace . Nobody is happy and satisfied with what
ever they have and crib for more and this is the
soul reason that we are loosing all the peace that
we need in our life . Things are getting worse day
by day . The effect of Kali yuga is getting
dominant on us as we can see the effects and its
collateral damages around us . There is only one
way we can get this effect of kali yuga not affect
us is by submitting at the lotus feet of a SAD
GURU like SRI RAMTHAKUR , and by chanting the
MAHAmANTRA . This is the most short cut way of
getting peace in life by doing satsang and
attending kirtans of the mahamantra .It helps in
reducing the effects of the six Ripus like lust ,
greed , jealousy , anger etc. and slowly releases
you from the cocoon of attachments . I am no
teacher , no preacher , not a sadhu but try to
follow and understand what Gurudev have told us to
do . I am always in search of truth and Gnyana
(knowledge) and always at the lotus feet of my SAD

jai raam
jai guru


  1. hello abir!
    i liked ur blog very much and forwarded the link to some of my cousins for reference.
    thanks for posting this as its really hard to come across something about our beloved Ram Thakur.

    Jay Ram

  2. hello abir,9831914957......ring me just now.i have something important to say....subrata sanyal,kolkata.

  3. Our beloved GURUDEB is known to be the ownwer of this universe and so there is much more left about him to know.Or let us say that it is impossible to know about him.But still i must thank ABIR SENGUPTA that his hard work has made easier to know SRI SRI THAKUR...i pray to THAKUR for his success.


  4. Hi Abir,
    Nice to see your blog on Sri Sri Ramthakur.
    This is very very rare in todays world.
    Thank You much.


  5. Hi Abir,

    This is a wonderful effort .Thank you very much..Ever grateful


  6. Hello Sir, I have also started one blog but i don't know how to tell people about it if God wishes then only it will be known to every body I am also a small devotee of Sri Ram Thakur. my blog's name is if devotees like u people see it I would be highly obliged. thank u Manish
