Thursday, March 25, 2010


There is a book written by Rahini kumar mazundar , named as "Sri guru raam thakur "

I am in absolute love with this book ,
When ever i get time i read it.
The most amazing fact is whenever I read this book I get new information about my beloved GURUDEV , i don`t know how ?
Apart from getting new information there is a specific reason why i love it . I have never in my life felt so connected to a book or scripture like this . For me its a living being , a live source to connect to the all mighty Himself .
When ever I read it I feel I am there in each and every page and experiencing the same incidents along with the other guru bhai and bhaginis .
I picturaize the same situations and feel the same joy as if things are actually happening in front of my eyes .
I find joy in this , I feel blissful and connected to the lord himself .

It might sound crazy to some people but this really happens ,
I must have read the whole book over 10 times , still do the same things over and over again
I can actually see Gurudev sitting on the bed of rohini kumars house and the things that are going around ..
Rohini kumar gives me the eyes though which i see my lord , my lord in a human form ....
I laugh , I get emotional with tears in my eyes as the emotions flow out .
The book is like a gate way for me to experience the divine leela of my lord .
I would recommend people to read this book , and am sure that you people will also feel the same as you go through the pages .

That house in Muzaffarpur became a Leela bhumi for my gurudev . As you go through the book you will understand that gurudev was not only THE GURU for that family but was also a father and a friend as well .He used to take care of all the small things in the house like the main member of the family .So many important messages are conveyed through that book . You might also get some of questions answered .

It also has information about few great personalities like Charag Ali Bhai and Purnananda Brahmachari , and most important Thakur jis presonal information and HIS experience with HIS GURUMAHARAJ ,

Hope you feel the same experiences or better then this and please feel free to share the emotions ........



  1. Where can I get this book? I have only seen His Veda Vani and I have fallen in love with it. I am an English speaker

  2. Where can I get this book? I have only seen His Veda Vani and I have fallen in love with it. I am an English speaker

  3. Mr Alex, I doubt we have any english translated books , however let me check once again. Will get back to you soon.
