Sunday, November 1, 2009


What ever I have read about Thakur from the books written by our beloved Guru bhais , and felt myself ,i have realized that Thakur never told people to renounce the worldly things and become a sadhu . He always told that by simple ways of living and worship can also produce the same effect . A person can also be one with god while doing his worldly duties . That is the reason Gurudev gave us the mahamantra which has no rules attached to it . Its a siddha mantra and which can be repeated when ever and how ever desired . If we go through different shastras we will find that there are different rules attached to every sadhana and every mantra which can not be uttered every time and different rituals are attached to it . To provide relief to the bhakta gan our beloved Gurudev provided simple and easy way to achieve what sadhaks looks for by giving us the mahamantra .
Gurudev said the mahanam and GOD are the same and there is no difference between them . Gurdev`s whole body is made up of this mahanam only .He always told us that each and every GOD can be worshipped the way they want . No special ritual is required but the thing that is required is BHAKTI and purna samarapan . Love and bhava is beyond all rituals and I have seen the result my self . To give an example I will tell a small true story which happened in a small village in nowakhali . ( this story was told by my father )

There was a temple of RADHAN GOVINDA and a man used to take care of it .This man was full of devotion and loved RADHA GOVINDA more then anything . He always used to make KHICHURI ( mixture of rice and daal ) as prasad and while cooking he used to put the RADHA GOVINDA bronze idol inside the hot khichuri. and after the khichuri is prepared he used to take out the idol , clean it again and then place the bhog in front of the idol . Once a sadhu was passing by thet village and too shelter n that temple . when he saw that man putting the idol inside the hot khichuri the sadhu said " what are you doing , is this the way you give prasad to your beloved deity ? Thye will curse you and you will end up in hell " and then the sadhu showed him the proper way to give bgoga to RADHA GOVINDA . From the next day the man started doin as was told to him by the sadhu . at the end pf three days he was taking a nap in the afternoon while suddenly he saw bahgwan RADHA GOVINDA STANDING in front of him with a very pale face . HE was first very happy to get their darshan but was also sad to see their pale face and asked " what is wrong wid ur face bhagwan , why are you looking so week and pale ? . Lord GOVINDA said " Beta we are very hungry and feeling very weak as we didn`t have food for the last three days " . The man was shocked and said " but bhagwan I did give you prasad in the proper way as the sadhu instructed " . Then LORD said " Beta its not about ways , its about the devotion and bhakti with which you used to give us Bhog " . Saying these lines Lord vanished .The man started crying and from next day he again started the same procedure of giving bhog which he used to follow .

From this small incident we can understand that God always take happily what ever food we offer if done with proper devotion . GOD does not care whether the plate in which you offer prasad is made of gold or earthen pot or banana leaf . HE does not care whether the prasad is very costly or just as simple as sugar or a glass of water with a tulsi leaf in it . What he cares about is the bhakti with which we offer the prasad .
LORD SATYANARAYAN is responsible of every breath we take for our life and every thing we achieve in life and in return what best we can give him is pure devotion .
Pure devotion and total submission ( purna samarpan ) with out any tolerance . This is the only way we can be one with the LORD HIMSELF .

jai raam
jai guru


  1. Dear Ggurubhai
    It is nice 2 know see ur blog,it felt like Sri Sri Gurudev has been a real influence in ur life and he has blessed u indeed 4 which u could produce such a nice reproduction of his ideas in ur blog.Felt really graet to go through it,keep up the good work................Jai Ram.

  2. thank you very much sanjay bhai
    jai raam

  3. one question, how much of it do "YOU" follow???

  4. dear friend ...I try my level best to walk on the path shown by our beloved Gurudev and by doing regular upasanas .. but thats not the reason why i wrote the blog . Not to show people what I do or publicize myself . But to express what i have felt . I look at it as a gurukarya . To reach out to people and provide them information about gurudev which are not easily available .
    Jai raam

  5. bhai u can write many more about guru..we and our family gone through it..its really superb..----rajdeep ghosh
