Friday, November 12, 2010

Sanatana Dharma

SANATANA DHARMA the oldest and the greatest Relegion in the entire universe . I am not stating this only because I am a hindu by birth but because of its Own Greatness . The main principle of sanatana dharma is all human beings will act according to dharma < dharmacharana > without going against the law of nature so that no karma beej is produced and no body will stay hungry .

Now a days every where we see we can experience that by some way or other we are actually breaking the laws of nature and we are actually apart of this , directly or indirectly .

Polluting the Vayu and Akash tatwa : < air and atmosphere >
Polluting the Jal tatwa : < water >
Polluting the prithibi tatwa : < earth >

We cannot just fiddle with the tatwas and get away with it ..
Mother nature will balance it out and she has her own ways like natural disasters .
Everything will be balanced and we will be solely responsible for our own destruction if we do not try to change hence forth . We humans are provided this earth to survive and enjoy nature ..instead of that because of greed we are actually harassing the wonders of nature provided to us .

Still its not late .. we still can save our selves < nature > by following Sanatan Dharma . Its impossible to start following all the rules of life from tomorrow but at least we can take an effort to do so .
Our beloved Gurudev Sree Sree RAAM THAKUR always insisted on following teh rules and laws of Sati or Sanatana dharma . He tried teaching the ways using small stories . Gurudev himself is the biggest example of living and walking Dharma . The messages of VED VANI are nothing but ways you can lead you life for dharma . Dharma raksha is a word of great importance ...may be not for so called technological and fashionable advanced modern society . To understand this word we actually need to go deep into dharma just to understand the way of life according to Sharstra and Vedas . Dharmacharan if done properly will not create Karma Beeja for any karma we do . If Karma Beeja is not produced we will not fall in the cycle of death and birth and suffer .

Manu Smriti considered as the Ultimate Law Book has all the instructions on how to lead life according to dharma explaining what needs to done from the moment we wake up till we go to sleep . Following it is not easy for us all of a sudden but we can definitely try and include few ways in our daily routine . Doing dharma chara will directly bring us under the direct blessing s of favour or GOD and GURU .

I have read some books written by our beloved gurubhais which has some information about Gurudevs stress on Stanatana or Sati dharma but not much information was provided in any of the books .

These things or understanding will develop slowly as we get more and more attached to Lord Satyanarayan himself . He is standing with his arms wide to embrace us and release us from this suffering but still we run away from it or cannot see it .
Let us all repeat the holy Mahamantra provided to us and do your karma is an honest way and try to know you dharma more . I am sure if we really want to know or follow SANATANA DHARMA Lord Satyanarayan will definitly show us the direction or arrange a way .

Lets us all pray to the GURUDEV to remove this curtain and show us light ............
Let us pray so that we can respect mother nature < Prakriti >
Prakriti itself is mother Adya Shakti .
Let there be light of knowledge .

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishan Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama , Rama Rama Hare Hare ..........

Om Shree Raam Chandraayate Namaha .
Om Shree SatyaNarayanay Namaha .
OM Shree Raam Brahmany Namaha .

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