Thursday, March 25, 2010

A FOOL`S REALIZATION..............

When I first started this blog I was under the impression that I created it ........

But I was so so wrong .

After the last post " A FEW THOUGHT " I tried to pen down so many thoughts , but trust me I couldnt , I just couldn`t. Every time I wrote a paragraph , I felt something is missing , and that some thing is not " just " a small thing , it was like a resistive force . Trust me I couldnt publish those posts , I didnt understand what was missing and why was I not satisfied with what ever i was writing ...

Then I realized that its not me who started or created this blog . Its Gurudev himself . Without HIS wish I couldn`t have written a single word on this blog .
What ever is there on this blog wouldnt have been possible with out HIS divine blessing and his wishes . I am just a puppet of my BELOVED SHRI GURUDEV , and wish to stay like this till the end of existence of my soul on the lotus feet of my MAHA VISHNU ..


1 comment:

  1. I hav realised many things after reading ur(GURUDEV'S) blog.
