Monday, June 21, 2010


Different avatars of GOD takes birth on earth and they have different ways of bringing people on the right track that leads to GOD .
Our beloved Gurudev had his own ways . His main purpose was to stay among general people and teach them or show them the the ways in which God can be realized .
But what many people missed out was that God was showing them the way to realize HIM . HE showed us many simple ways to be happy in this Kaliyuga by maintaining few simple things which our complicated and corrupted mind didn`t allow out eyes to see .
Gurudev preferred to roam from one bhakts house to another rather then sitting in an ashram . Indirectly GURUDEV said " Look at ME and learn the ways , you do not need to read any book " .
Those who understood and followed the steps have achieved things beyond imagination .
These things are much more valuable then any worldly possessions .
We run around for money , property ,fame through out our life not realizing the fact that actually nothing is ours . We can not actually take anything beyond this life . Our foolish mind doesn`t realize that life has a greater meaning then running behind success , money , fame . The time should be used properly to realize GOD . We do all other works in the beginning and the middle of our life span and when we realize that time is comming up we start taking GOD`S name in the end that is also with a purpose in mind to make a reservation in heaven or to get out of the cycle of birth and death .
Why do we keep the most important and hardest work of taking gods name for the latter part of life , when our bones doesnt have enough strength to visit the TIRTHA STHANS ?
In BHAGAVATHAM its mentioned clearly that vasna for any other thing other then MOKSHA is not good .

So please utter the Maha Naama and free your soul from attachments .
We just blindly need to follow the steps and utter the name and the rest of the work will be taken care by the LORD himself .


Friday, June 4, 2010